Which Latin Dance Is Best For Weight Loss?

Latin dancing is an excellent way to lose weight while having lots of fun and learning new skills. However, some Latin dances are better for weight loss, and some are not burning as many calories as we would like to. This article, among other things, will help you in finding out which Latin dance is the best for weight loss and why. 

Which Latin dance is the best for weight loss? Salsa is the best Latin dance that could help you in the weight loss journey because it is a high-energy dance that requires you to move your whole body. Thanks to the numerous spins, twists, and turns, it is an excellent substitute for a cardio workout, and you can burn between 400-600 calories in one hour, depending on your weight. 

Salsa dancing is a refreshing replacement for a traditional aerobic exercise. 

When I just started dancing Salsa, my endurance was terrible, and I was out of breath quickly. Salsa dancing has helped me improve my stamina, strengthen my core body, and lose weight. Of course, I had to change my diet a bit to shred those unwanted pounds. 

I want to share how salsa dancing will help you to lose weight and improve your overall health. 

How Salsa Dancing Will Help You In Your Weight Loss Journey? 

Salsa dancing can assist you with weight loss in so many ways. 

Salsa Dancing Burns Lots of Calories 

Salsa dancing is a combination of aerobic and anaerobic training that improves your stamina and leg strength. Just one hour of salsa dancing will burn approximately 400-600 calories, depending on your weight. 

Unlike running, Salsa is not a high impact exercise and doesn’t hurt your knees. Salsa dancing is a better aerobic exercise than running or cycling because you will quickly lack motivation for those exercises while it doesn’t happen with a salsa dance. After all, it is boring. You can keep your exercise experience fun and fresh when incorporating Salsa into your exercise routine. 

You can dance salsa solo or with a partner. So don’t let not having a dance partner discourage you from learning this high-energy dance. 

When you burn more calories than you consume, your body will start using fat to give you energy. So the more you dance Salsa, it will be better for your weight loss journey. It is essential not to ignore a healthy diet. 

To lose weight, you need to dance Salsa at least three times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes. You can dance Salsa when taking salsa lessons, in the privacy of your own home, or when you are dancing Salsa socially.

Be mindful when dancing salsa socially. You will likely have a few drinks, and your food choices will not be the best. You might want to grab a pizza on your way home because you will be dancing the whole night, and your mind will not be in the weight loss mode because you had a few drinks, so your body will crave some high carb food. 

Don’t beat yourself too much if you have a cheat day or night. That is fine as long you get back to the track the next day. 

Having said this, you will lose weight most likely when you are taking salsa dance lessons and dancing or practicing in the privacy of your home. Dancing salsa in a club will be extremely fun, but it will not result in a calory deficit during salsa nights out. 

Salsa Music Is Uplifting and Energizing

Salsa music is fun and energetic. So, listening to this type of music while dancing to Salsa will help you burn more calories. The science has backed this claim up. Those who listen to happy and enjoyable music are more efficient by 13% while working out than those who listen to a podcast or a TV show. Those who are listening to high-energy music are more efficient by 28% than those listening to nothing. 

People who listen to good music while working out have more motivation and energy, leading to burning more calories. 

Salsa Dancing Reduces Binge Eating

Let’s be honest; we all binge eat because we are bored. Hmm, if there was only a way to reduce boredom, especially during long winter months.

Well, there is! Busting a few salsa moves while bored at home will lead to improved mood, burning more calories, and not thinking so much about food, and you will consume fewer calories. 

You can dance Salsa from anywhere! Turn on good salsa music and start dancing. If you have more members in your family, include them too! It will be such an excellent way to spend an evening with your family or significant other, and everyone will get their dose of endorphin.  

Salsa Dance Improves Your Mental Health  

As I mentioned in the article “12 Amazing Benefits Of Salsa Dancing,” Salsa dance impacts our mental health positively in so many ways. 

You are probably thinking right now about what mental health and salsa dancing have to do with weight loss. Well, these are significantly connected. 

It has been scientifically proven that salsa dancing (or any dancing) significantly reduces stress hormones and depression while releasing endorphins (happiness hormones). When you are dancing Salsa, your mind is in the moment because you are thinking about the steps you need to take, and you are entirely focused on the music and surroundings.  

Salsa dance is unique in that sense because you need to be in constant awareness while maintaining a connection with your partner. These mindful moments help to diminish the negative thought process that is associated with depression and stress. 

People who are depressed, anxious, or stressed tend to go for comfort food that will make them feel good at the moment rather than choosing healthier options. Comfort food is undoubtedly delicious, but it contains many calories and other harmful things to our bodies. 

As we continue eating unhealthy food, our mental states will get worse, and we will continue adding unwanted pounds instead of shredding them. 

From my personal experience, after a salsa session, I feel amazing, and I am so happy. I have a positive mindset that leads to good choices in my life, such as the food I decide to eat that day. 

What Are Other Latin Dances That Are Good For Weight Loss? 


Zumba is not technically a Latin dance. However, it is a form of high-energy aerobic exercise inspired by Latin dances such as Salsa, Merengue, and Samba. 

According to a Healthline small study in 2012, a 40 minutes Zumba workout can burn on average 369 calories. Doing Zumba at least three times a week with a balanced diet will help you meet your weight loss goals. 


Bachata is very useful for weight loss but not as much as Salsa is. Bachata is a slower type of dance than Salsa. When dancing the bachata, you will work your legs and buttocks because you will be continuously moving your lower body. 

The correct movement of the legs, hips, and buttocks will allow you to improve your form and shape your waist while practicing this dancing style.

One hour of Bachata dancing burns approximately 200-400 calories, but you will not get the aerobic effect as with Salsa. It also reduces cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure thanks to the body movements you will be performing. 

Cha Cha 

Although Cha Cha is not a high-energy dance as Salsa is, it can burn up to 200 calories for half an hour. The movements in Cha Cha involve maintaining control of arms, legs, and hips, which does a perfect whole body workout that will be beneficial to your weight loss journey. 


Samba is a very energetic dance style. This dance style focuses on using knees, waist, and hips, which tones the core body. Samba involves various rather strenuous movements and can help you burn around 250 calories in half an hour of dancing.

Final Words

As I mentioned in this article, salsa dancing will help you lose weight, but you need to be consistent. Practice salsa every week, even on those days that you don’t feel like it. Once you create that routine of dancing salsa regularly, dropping those unwanted pounds will be almost effortless. 

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