Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Learn How To Dance Salsa

If you love to dance, let me convince you why you should learn how to dance salsa. After all, you have been thinking about learning salsa dance because you stumbled across this article. If you continue reading this article, you will find out all the great reasons you should start learning salsa dance today. 

Why You Should Learn How To Dance Salsa

  • Amazing conversation topic
  • Impressive hobby 
  • It is fun 
  • Fantastic music 
  • Great For Learning Spanish
  • You can meet new people 
  • You can meet significant other 
  • It is a great workout
  • It will boost your confidence 
  • Opens doors for other Latin dances 
  1. Salsa Dance Is An Amazing Conversation Piece

Whether you are talking to people you are close with, acquaintances, or new people you just met, mentioning that you love salsa dancing is an excellent conversation piece. Although salsa became extremely popular across the World, not everyone in your social circle had an opportunity to learn salsa dance. 

2. People Will Be Amazed With Your New Hobby

Mentioning salsa dance as something you like to do in your free time is not something people expect. Very often, when I ask someone what they want to do in their free time, it is mostly something you hear every day. However, when you say that you like to dance salsa in your free time or taking classes, people are awed. 

It will instantly make you more interesting, and the other party will probably have many questions about it. You should enjoy the fact that you know how to do something so exotic and exciting and not everyone knows how to do it. 

I mostly hear; I would love to learn dance salsa too, but I have “two left feet,” or I don’t have enough time. Those are all excuses, in my opinion. I’ve been convincing my friends who are in relationships to try it out because it will strengthen their relationship. 

If you are in the dating market, putting salsa as your hobby will instantly make your online profile more attractive. And you will attract people who are also interested in salsa or any other Latin dance. 

Talking about salsa on your first date is an excellent ice breaker. Since salsa is a very sexy dance style, it is a perfect excuse to get closer to your date and find out if there is mutual attraction. 

3. Salsa Dance Is Fun 

This one is no surprise. Salsa dance is an entertaining activity. It doesn’t matter how long or how well you dance; you always can find salsa dancers of all levels on the dance floor. It feels incredible going to a salsa club and seeing everyone being happy, smiling, and having a great time. Our lives are filled with many stressors and demands, so going out for a beautiful salsa night is a perfect way to forget everything and simply have fun. 

4. Salsa Music Is Phenomenal 

Even if you never danced salsa in your life, you must admit that salsa music is delightful and uplifting. Even when I am not dancing, I like listen to salsa music because it lifts my mood instantaneously. 

Latin music has become very popular in the past decade. This music attracts people of all ages and backgrounds because of its catchy and rhythmic beats. 

The music is so enjoyable because you focus on how it makes you feel and how it moves your body, rather than listening to lyrics. 

The words in songs don’t nearly matter as sound, feel, and style. 

Well, this leads me to the next reason why you should learn salsa dance.

5. Salsa Dancing Is Great For Learning Spanish 

During my salsa dance journey, I met many people who share the same interests as I do. Of course, my journey didn’t end yet. It has just begun. 

There is one “small hiccup” right now called coronavirus that stops me from my salsa journey. I bet that we all are in the same shoes and can’t wait to dance with a larger group of people and socialize. 

I met many people in salsa classes who say they know a little bit of the Spanish language or plan to learn it. We are all driven by our love for Latin dances, culture, music, and people. 

Listening to salsa music or any Latin music, in general, is a great way to pick up a few words and be off to a good start in your journey of learning the Spanish language. Once you have a good base, you should not have any problems expanding your knowledge of the Spanish language. 

6. You Can Meet New People Through Salsa Dance 

Salsa dance is a partner dance, so it is impossible to go to salsa class or salsa social event and be by yourself. People in salsa communities are amiable and joyful people. Your spirit will lift shortly after spending time with other salsa enthusiasts.  

I am sure you all have amazing friends in your life, but it is never a bad idea to meet new people who share the same interests as you do. Learning how to dance salsa will expose you to many other people who could eventually become terrific friends. 

Taking salsa classes and going to salsa social events is an excellent way of getting out of your comfort zone and expanding your social circle. 

7. You Can Meet Significant Other

If you are single and looking for a relationship, attending salsa classes and salsa social events is a great place to meet someone of romantic interest. 

Dancing salsa brings people together, regardless of their relationship status. 

Many couples have met during dance lessons and are married and have families now. It is just a matter of time when you will click with someone. 

If you are already in a relationship, it can strengthen and spice up your relationship with the existing partner. It allows you to become closer because you need to learn how to communicate better and work as a team. 

Besides, would it be much more interesting to go salsa dancing as a date night instead of going to the movies or stay at home? 

8. Salsa Dancing Is A Great Workout

I have mentioned in the previous article called “Which Latin Dance Is The Best For Weight Loss” that salsa dancing is very effective for shedding those unwanted pounds and bringing your body to the best shape ever. One hour of salsa dancing will help you burn approximately 400-600 calories. 

Not just that, you will notice other positive changes in your body, such as better posture, more toned legs, and better body shape overall. 

9. Salsa Dancing Will Boost Your Confidence

Learning salsa dance is an entirely new skill. Each time you take those classes, you will learn new moves and steps. Once you know how to do them correctly with proper technique and practice, you will feel better about yourself. 

Knowing you can do those steps although you haven’t been a good dancer previously is a fantastic feeling. 

If you are a shy person as I was, salsa dancing will benefit you drastically in building your confidence and fighting shyness. 

Dancing salsa in front of others and interacting with new people each time pushes you out of your comfort zone, and you will be proud of yourself for getting to that point. 

Salsa dancing allows you to create beautiful moves and poses, which will make you feel good about what your body is capable of. Over time, your comfort and familiarity with yourself will grow, and you will be able to look at yourself in a more positive light. 

10. Salsa Dancing Is Excellent Introduction To Other Latin Dances

As I started learning salsa, I gradually became interested in other Latin dances. I am glad I learned salsa first because learning Bachata afterward made more sense.

Learning salsa first allows you to be more versatile and adaptable to other Latin dance styles. 

Also, salsa is a more energetic dance style. Once you build stamina while learning salsa dance, it will be easier for you to adapt to other slower dance types, such as the Bachata dance. 

Final Words 

You will not regret learning salsa dance. It will enrich your life in many ways. I hope that these ten reasons why you should learn how to dance salsa help you make that step if you are on the fence. 

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