How Long Does It Take To Learn The Bachata Dance

When you start learning a new skill, you have been probably thinking how long it will take to learn this particular skill because you want to rip the benefits of learning it as soon as possible. So you finally have decided to learn the Bachata, and you are probably wondering how long it takes to learn the Bachata dance. This article will cover the timeframe and how to speed up the learning process.

How long does it take to learn the Bachata? It can take anywhere from 8 to 10 weeks, depending on how often you practice after your dance lesson. It will be enough time for you to learn the basic steps and patterns to dance comfortably in social settings, such as clubs. 

The important thing to remember is to put yourself out there as soon as you start learning to dance. Go to Bachata social events where you will have an opportunity to observe others dancing. 

When I started learning to dance the Bachata, I wanted to attend as much as possible Bachata events to become more comfortable. The first few times I participated in those events, one of those being Bachata dance night in a club, I felt like I have two left feet, but it allowed me to observe others and see that there are so many people in the same boat like me. 

So, don’t hesitate to go out and practice as soon as you have a few Bachata classes under your belt.  

“I enjoy the element of pushing yourself, learning something new, whether it is a dance step, a scene, an emotion. ”

Kenny wormald

Factors That Will Affect Your Bachata Learning Pace

  • Group Bachata Classes

Regular attendance of group Bachata classes is the easiest and the fastest way to learn this dance style. Most dance schools offer various classes and timings, so you pick the class that best suits your needs and schedule. Make sure you can commit to the schedule every week. I know life happens, and you will have to skip one or two lessons but make sure you practice at home.

A dance school that I have been attending to dance various Latin dance styles for the past two years offers 10-weeks group Bachata classes for an hour, once a week. It is enough time to learn the basic moves to dance in social settings comfortably. Of course, it is very beneficial if your practice at home those steps and moves you have learned in the class. 

Most dance schools offer drop-in classes where you don’t have to register if you don’t feel if you will like it, and you don’t want to commit. You can just show up and attend the class without any obligations. This is actually how I fell in love with Bachata. I attended drop-in classes and decided to sign up for 10-week Bachata lessons. So basically, you have nothing to lose if you decide to try it out. 

You get to meet wonderful new people who have the same interests as you do while attending group Bachata classes. They can keep you accountable to keep showing up to the dance classes. These people are beginners as you are, so there is nothing to be ashamed of because they are in the same boat. 

Finally, you don’t have to have a dance partner when you attend group classes. There is always someone without a partner that you could partner up with. I didn’t have a dance partner when I decided to learn the Bachata, but there was always someone without a partner that I could dance with. Having different dance partners allows you to become a better dancer by learning other people’s styles. 

  • Bachata Music

Bachata music is enjoyable and romantic, so listening to Bachata music won’t be a hard thing to do. It is essential to get familiar with Bachata music because you need to understand what you are dancing to and find different beats.  

Bachata music contains simple vocals supported by lead and rhythm guitar, bongos, and a güira. The main focus of Bachata’s music lyrics is heartbreak and romance. So, it is no surprise that Bachata dance is so sensual and romantic. 

  • Bachata Social Events 

The best way to find out how well you dance the Bachata is to attend as many Bachata social events, such as Bachata nights in various clubs. It will allow you to observe other people’s dance skills and techniques. Most importantly, you will have lots of fun! 

Don’t feel bad if you are not at the same level as others are. You must put yourself out there and start dancing. It really doesn’t matter if your moves and steps are not perfect, because eventually, they will be, once you continue with your Bachata practice and see how other people are dancing in “the real world,” aka clubs. 

If you don’t practice Bachata in social events, it would be the same as getting a university degree and not finding a real job afterward. Basically, it would be useless. So you have to have that real-life experience because the ultimate goal for learning the Bachata is to dance in social settings.  

  • Private Bachata Classes

Private Bachata classes can be somewhat pricey but are totally worth it if you are eager to learn as soon as possible or have an event coming up and you want to shine on the dance floor. 

However, I would recommend taking at least one private class because all focus will be on you, and your dance instructor will notice mistakes you are making and help you correct them immediately. The focus is not all on you in group classes because the dance instructor has many other people to worry about, not just about you. 

  • Practice Bachata At Home

It really doesn’t matter whether you have someone to practice with at home because it is totally possible to practice Bachata by yourself. Please check out the article called “Can You Dance Bachata Alone” if you want to find out more about this topic. 

I try to practice the steps soon after the dance lesson, so I don’t forget them until the next class. Whether you are lead or follow, you can practice by yourself steps you learned in the class. 

Another option would be to ask someone from the classes to meet up and practice together. There is always someone eager to practice and improve as much as you are. I have practiced alone and with someone from group classes, which helped me improve my dance skills tremendously. 

  • Put Yourself Out There

You need to lose the fear of dancing in public. On the contrary, you need to dance as much as you can in public. It will help you become a better dancer. As I mentioned earlier, go to clubs where people dance various Latin dance styles. You will see people of many skill levels. There will be people who have never danced in their life, and there will be people who are professionals. 

It is important to remember; nobody will judge your dancing skills. People come there to have fun, and it a place where it is safe to bust some dance moves without any hesitation. 

The more you practice, the sooner you will get better. It would be a waste of your time and money if you don’t practice after dance lessons or dance in social settings, such as clubs or other parties. 

What is The Bachata? 

Bachata is a beautiful and romantic dance from the Dominican Republic that originated in the early 20 century. The music is very similar to Bolero. The Bachata songs are sorrowful, and all about heartbreaks, but the dance shows how we cope with heartbreaks and everything sad that love brings. 

Bachata is danced with 4 step timing. You go 1,2,3, and tap, and then 5,6,7, and tap. So, dancers always tap on 4 and 8. The hips are slightly bent so the dancer can sway hips easier. The beauty of the Bachata dance is in the hip movements. In Bachata dancing, the focus is on the hip movements and not very much on the upper body. 

During Bachata dance, a lead decides if they will perform an open or closed position. Bachata performance depends significantly on the music being played, mood, atmosphere, and interpretation. 

The following are Bachata dance styles:

  1. Original Dominican Bachata
  2. Traditional Bachata
  3. Modern Bachata
  4. Bachata Sensual
  5. Bachata Tango

If you would like to find out more about Bachata’s different styles, click here. 

Is Bachata Hard To Learn

Bachata is relatively easy to learn if you practice regularly, attend dance classes and Bachata social events. Bachata is a very sexy and intimate Latin dance style. 

Bachata is very forgiving when you make a mistake in your steps or the beat. It is easy to get back into dancing even if you make a mistake. Just keeping dancing; don’t stop. 

Basic Bachata steps are easy to learn because they are very simple. Bachata is all about knowing how to isolate different body parts, such as the hips, to get that sensual and sexy body motion. 

Bachata allows you to get in touch with your romantic side and teaches you to get close to people. Some people find this dance style very intimate, so they prefer to their partner only. As long you keep it very respectful and classy, there is nothing wrong with dancing with other people. 

Here is an excellent video on how to dance the Bachata for beginners. 

Final Words

Once you attend dance lessons consistently, practice by yourself or with someone, participate in private lessons, listen to Bachata music, go to Bachata social events, and simply put yourself out there, you will be off to a great start of learning Bachata dance within ten weeks. 

Happy Dancing! 

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