Can You Dance While On Your Period

Dancing might be the last thing on your mind when it is that time of the month, and you are dealing with bloating, cramps, and fatigue. However, dancing during your period could make you feel mentally and physically better. You can do a few things to make your dancing journey more enjoyable during that time of the month, which I will discuss further in this article, among other things. 

Can I dance while on my period? Yes, you can dance while on your period because dancing is considered a light to the medium mode of workout and is not too strenuous exercise. Dancing will improve your flexibility and will reduce period pain. Dancing also improves mood and balances hormones, which is beneficial during your period. 

I have been taking dance lessons two to three times a week for the past two months, and let me tell you; my period cramps are almost gone. I didn’t even notice my period the last time I had it. And being on my period did not stop me from continuing dancing during those days. 

Benefits Of Dancing While On Your Period

From boosting your mood to relieving cramps, dancing can make that time of the month much more manageable. But there are a few things you will want to keep in mind when dancing during your period, including ways to make dancing more enjoyable and indications that your body needs to rest.  

Here are four main benefits of dancing while on your period: 

Your Mood Will Improve

When estrogen levels drop after ovulation and again at the end of your period, you might feel anxious, sad, irritated, or even depressed.

Luckily, moving your body while dancing could help boost your mood by releasing feel-good hormones (endorphins) and neurotransmitters like dopamine while fostering positive thoughts. This can be helpful before and during your period. 

Your Period Cramps Will Subside 

One of the biggest potential benefits of consistent dancing is less painful period cramps, and who doesn’t want that? Low-intensity exercise, such as dancing, increases levels of substances called beta-endorphins in your blood, which help block pain like the kind you may experience during your period. 

Flow Is Lighter 

Dancing regularly (once to twice a week) can help you maintain a healthy body weight and promote optimal hormonal balance, which is important for regulating your flow. 

Other Period Symptoms Improve Too 

If you are one “lucky” individual like myself, where your monthly cycle includes symptoms like low mood, fatigue, and bloating, dancing could bring much-needed relief. 

Dancing improves blood flow, decreases aldosterone levels (a hormone that tells your body to retain salt and water), and increases the production of anti-inflammatory compounds. 

This combination is effective for alleviating period symptoms like tender breasts and bloating. 

How To Make Dancing During Your Period More Comfortable

Dancing while you are on your period doesn’t need to be uncomfortable, and here are a few tips and tricks that have helped me in my dancing journey. 

1. Take over-the-counter pain-reliever

Taking over-the-counter pain relievers such as Advil or Tynelol helped me immensely during that time of the month. I would take a pain reliever a day before I expect to get my period and another one on the day off. 

Of course, it occasionally happens that my period comes early, and I don’t take pain relievers soon enough. In that case, I would take a pain reliever as soon I noticed I had gotten my period, and it works pretty fast. I don’t need to take any pain relievers if I dance for a few weeks consistently before getting my period. 

2. Wear darker clothes 

Wearing darker pants or jeans during that time of the month gives me peace of mind while dancing. Even if there is a leak, it would not be noticeable, making me feel more confident and comfortable. 

3. Always be ready 

Always have a pad or tampon in your purse, even if you are not expecting to get your period. You never know, your period could come early, or your fellow dancer might need you to be her savior that day. Also, it would be beneficial to have handy individually wrapped and unscented wipes to freshen up for that extra feeling of comfort. 

4. Choose the products that are right for you. 

Some women prefer tampons and others prefer pads. There are so many options out there nowadays to choose from. Choose a product that helps you feel most comfortable and protected during your dance session. 

5. Practice Proper Hygiene 

If you feel self-conscious dancing because of period-related odor, ensure you practice proper hygiene, such as wearing clean underwear and clothes. Also, take a shower before the dance session and regularly change tampons and other period products to stay healthy and fresh. It will make you feel that much more comfortable and confident. 

Is It Better To Dance With A Tampon Or Pad? 

It is your personal preference whether to wear a tampon or a pad while dancing, and it greatly depends on what you feel most comfortable in and also what you are used to wearing all this time. 

Consider what you will wear, how long you will be gone from home, and what restroom facilities will be available. If you prefer wearing pads, ensure your underwear fits well, and use a pad with good coverage. If tampons are your favorite, wear the right absorbency and change as often. 

You will want to wear both, especially during heavy flow days, so when dancing is over and it is time to hang out with your fellow dancers, you could remove the tampon and still have a fresh pad ready to go. 

Here is a product to wear while on your period and doing an activity, such as dancing. 

Final Words

Dancing during your period can effectively minimize common symptoms like bad mood, cramps, and bloating. You can dance as much as you can while you are on your period, but it is essential to listen to your body and rest when it requires you to do so. It is normal to want to take a day off from your dancing routine during your flow, but if it interferes with your daily activities, I suggest talking to a healthcare professional. 

Happy dancing! 

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