Can You Dance Salsa If You Are Pregnant?

During pregnancy, moderate exercise such as dance can help you stay in shape and prepare you for delivery. But can you dance salsa while being pregnant? Unless you have pregnancy complications, sitting around will not benefit you. This article will help you discover if you should bust some salsa moves while having a growing belly. So, shell we salsa?

Can you dance salsa if you are pregnant? Yes, you can dance salsa while pregnant because dance provides many physical and emotional benefits. Pregnant women are going through various hormonal changes so dancing helps relieve stress, anxiety, and is good for overall health. However, it is important to talk to your physician before engaging in any physical activity.

During summer, I took a few salsa outdoor individual lessons for ladies only. As you know very well, 2020 was all about Coronavirus; so dancing outside while safely keeping a distance from others was our only option to start enjoying salsa again.

If you are reading this ten years from now, just remember “good old time” in 2020 and Coronavirus…

Anyways, during these salsa classes, I met a young pregnant woman, who was coincidently a doctor.

She revealed that she is due in three weeks… At first, I was shocked, but then she continued talking about all the benefits of salsa dancing and how good she felt busting some salsa moves while being almost nine months pregnant.

Is salsa Dance Safe During Pregnancy?

Salsa dancing is a fun way to keep yourself active while pregnant as long as you don’t overdo it. Dancing salsa for at least half an hour a day is completely safe and recommended as long your doctor hasn’t advised you to be careful due to some health reason specific to you.

According to DanceMagazine’s article, your body releases hormone relaxin when you are pregnant that loosen up the ligaments in your pelvis so that the birth canal can expand, which affects your whole body.

Some dancers might think that this is a golden ticket because it allows you to be extra flexible. However, this may cause injuries, so you need to be extra careful.

How Salsa Dancing Benefits You While Being Pregnant?

Salsa dancing benefits you and the baby while pregnant in many ways. Here are some of the benefits explained in details:

Prevents excess weight gain

Salsa dance excels at preventing excess weight gain during pregnancy. According to Fred Astaire, salsa dance helps you burn around 400 calories per hour. That should be enough motivation for expecting women to bust some salsa moves!

Boosts your mood and energy

Salsa dancing provided mental and brain benefits. When people are running on a treadmill they can turn off their brain completely.

However, that is not the case with salsa dancing. When it comes to salsa dancing you have to be in the moment and present. You have to think all the time about the next steps. That is why salsa dancing is excellent for helping people with stress, anxiety, and depression. It helps reduce them, and this is especially beneficial for women who are going through a mountain of emotions during pregnancy.

Additionally, salsa dancing releases a feel-good chemical called endorphin.

A study has revealed that dancing has two major benefits that activate primal reward centers in the brain. Salsa dancing activates sensory and motor circuits while music stimulates the brain’s reward center.

Furthermore, salsa dancing activates the hippocampus. Hippocampus is the part of the brain responsible for memory and emotions. It subconsciously reminds you of the good feelings you have while dancing salsa.

So, moms-to-be, what are you waiting for?

Helps you sleep better

Salsa dance is a type of aerobic exercise, so the more you move you will have a better good night’s sleep because you used up all the energy, and you would be drained by the time you get to bed.

Reduces constipation, backaches, swelling, and bloating

Salsa dancing can help with bloating by easing the release of any accumulated gas in the bowels. Also, salsa dancing effectively reduces backaches and swelling associated with pregnancy.

It can shorten the labor

Research has shown that moderate exercise, including salsa dancing, can shorten labor. According to the research that was conducted in Spain, women who exercised during pregnancy at least three times per week, have had shorter labor by 57 minutes that those women who had not exercised during the pregnancy.

It appears that women who sweat during the pregnancy are “rewarded” during labor.

Promotes muscle growth, endurance, and strength

Salsa dance movements build up aerobic stamina while steadily burning calories over time. It helps expecting moms to strengthen and tone your legs at the same time you lose weight.

Reduces risk of having C-section

According to the National Library Of Medicine, women who exercise moderately are increasing change for normal delivery among healthy pregnant women. This applies to women who participated in low to moderate physical activity such as dance, jogging, walking, yoga, and etc.

Lowers risk of gestational diabetes

Per Europe PMC, “Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as carbohydrate intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy.” Research has shown that exercise during pregnancy is an effective intervention to prevent excessive gestational weight gain. Additionally, exercise during pregnancy has shown that effectively reduces and controls blood sugar to manage gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

What Other Dances Are Safe For You While Expecting?

  • Zumba
  • Bachata
  • Jazz
  • Samba
  • Belly Dancing

These types of dances are recommended during pregnancy because it engages simple and controlled body motions that strengthen your abdominal and back muscles.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, you will not have any issues dancing these styles but later in the pregnancy, you will need to do some adjustments to make it easier for you.

These dance styles are a bit complicated but it will help you with your resting heart rate.

What Type of Dances Should You Avoid While Being Pregnant?

The following dance styles you should avoid while pregnant because they require a lot of movements that could result in pulled muscles, overheating, and many other injuries:

  • Ballet

Ballet and hip-hop are not recommended during pregnancy because they are increasing the risk of falling and other related injuries.

For instance, ballet requires lots of stretches that could put additional pressure on your pelvic joint, and standing on one leg can cause pain in your pelvic area.

  • Hip-Hop

Hip-hop is not advisable because it requires lots of challenging movements such as squats and lifts. These movements could increase your heart rate too much, which would not be the best option during pregnancy.

  • Bharatanatyam

Bharatanatyam also requires lots of jumps and squats, so it would put additional pressure on your joints, it could cause overheating and pulled muscles. So, you should avoid dancing Bharatanatyam during pregnancy.

  • Tap Dancing

Tap Dancing is not recommended during pregnancy because it requires constant small jumps, which could cause injuries to your pelvic joints.

Sign You Are A Bit Overdoing It While Pregnant?

  • You feel pain during or after dance
  • You feel too exhausted after the dance session
  • You are out of breath while dancing
  • You develop racing heart
  • You are feeling dizzy
  • You develop headache, nausea, and cramps

These symptoms are very unlikely during salsa dance, especially if you take it easy. However, consult with your health care provider if you experience the symptoms.

Final Words

Of course, always talk to your doctor prior to starting any physical activities, including salsa dance, when you are pregnant. If you get a green light from your doctor there is no reason why you shouldn’t savor all the benefits of salsa dancing.

Related Questions

Can dancing while pregnant hurt the baby? Dancing while pregnant cannot hurt the baby but is recommended to keep the heart rate of 120 or less during any physical activity. However, be careful when dancing near other people because some people could have crazy moves and could hit you by an accident.

Can dancing cause miscarriage? Moderate physical activity such as dancing will not cause miscarriage. Dancing is a fun and safe way type of exercise during pregnancy but consult with your doctor prior to doing any type of exercise.

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